Tips for Approaching Woman_Autism Dating Site
This is a story about a girl.
Not really, but what I know is that every story about a relationship has one thing in common. You have to approach her and open your mouth. Now guys a lot of this still falls onto us (ladies, there will be a separate post for you all). However, how do you do it? Have no fear, Uneepi is here to help.
First thing you have to think about is where do you approach? Now there are some places that are seen of as normal (bar, coffee shop, concert, etc). But what if that’s not for you? First thing I want you do is think the places that you go to on a regular basis, is there a place that you like to go to for your video games? Do you have a favorite place for coffee, or sandwiches? Comfort is a big factor, and if you are familiar with a place you’ll feel more relaxed you’ll show it when talking to someone. Next is who? That’ll depend on your own preferences, and if you want a relationship or friendship. If you’re unsure of what those preferences might be and you want to talk it out our dating support specialist can help you (click here for more info on that). So you have your where and your who so now how? Here are a couple of suggestions of how to introduce yourself/open conversation.
1. Ask the person a question.
Why: Think about a subject that you like, and how you would feel if someone asked you about it. You’d want to talk more on the subject to the person. This is the same idea. If you’re at a comic book store, ask them what they think about a new issue that’s come out. If you’re in a book store, ask for a recommendation in a topic. Asking a question is a nice way to open conversation, and if it’s a topic that you know something about all the better.
2. Pay a compliment
This one is a little more straightforward. You could say something along of the lines, “I just wanted to say I like your sense of style, your confidence, your shirt) There are other ways to compliment, but you to need to know her a little better first.
3. Just do it
Walk up, and say hi and try and start a conversation from there. This one is a little more advanced with you needing to learn body cues, and conversation tactics. If you want to learn this one our support specialist can definitely help there.
These are some of the basics, we’ll be looking at more ways to say hi next time.