Taking it to the next level_ Autism Dating Site
Date 04-05-2018 | Views  1537

So it’s time.

You’ve gone out on dates, you’ve laughed, you’ve had fun and you think she is enjoying herself as well. The question is, where do you go from here? Now, if you would like to still date different people and not be in a relationship that is more than fine. However, if you want to be in a monogamous relationship where you don’t date anyone else and neither does the other person this is a conversation that has to happen. Here’s how it should go.

1. Sometimes old school is best

  • While smartphones and the internet are great and incredibly useful, taking the relationship to the next level and being exclusive is a conversation that needs to happen face to face. It shows the person that you are serious and want to be committed. Try and do this in a quiet place, so a coffee or a park.

2. Make it clear

  • This is a difficult conversation to have, you don’t need to add in more stress to yourself. Sit the person down and make your intentions known. Say to him or her something along the lines of: I care about you a lot, and I really like spending time with you. I definitely want this to continue, but exclusively, will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend.

Now if they say yes to be your boyfriend/girlfriend, congratulations!! You’re now in a relationship. If they say no, first accept it. Respecting other people’s decisions is a big part of social interactions. Next, it would make sense to ask where we go from here. If you decide that you both want to be friends, that is great you go on doing that. If you decide that you can’t be friends let the other person know that. The worst thing for you is to be in a position where you want someone but can’t really be with them.

Now these are the basics of how to take this to the next level. If you want to discuss the best ways to talk with a person our dating support specialist are standing by. Feel free to find us on social media, and we’ll also try to answer some questions.
